55% Funded & 19 reasons to back Shadows of Adam!

55% Funded & 19 reasons to back Shadows of Adam!

Welcome back backers and potential backers to another action packed update!

After hitting 50% we surged forward to 55% very quickly. We suspect this pace will continue to grow over the week, and there is a good chance we will be fully funded!

The first surge reward is almost unlocked! A backer exclusive Shadows of Adam desktop background illustrated by Kim Herbst. A woman of some internet legend thanks not only to her amazing talents, but also a piece of Zelda fan art that’s gone viral on many different occasions.

A sampling of Kim Herbst’s work

Keep supporting us and promoting the game to unlock this awesome reward for backers at every level! As a reminder message forum and reddit posts to us directly for us to confirm and add them to the chart.

Now to thank you for your patience, here are 19 reasons to back Shadows of Adam!

1. Tubular tulips triggering tentacles

The Tangle!
2. Suplexing spores Sabin style

Suplexing a giant mushroom!

3. Wacky witches whirl wildly while wistfully wooing!

Kooky Witches!
4. Bolts brightly beating barriers

5. Slice slimes, shock slimes, smolder slimes!

Wailin’ on slimes…
6. Determination doesn’t deter dragons

Rally against giant dragons!
7. Kellan Kickstarters keenly

8. Threatening thief throws threads

Mutant thief bosses!
9. Aggravated aviary assault

Bird chasin’
10. Magical Moments

Street magicians!
11. Asrael anxiously awaits an answer

12. Hoppin’ hills

Cliff hoppin’
13. Shrieking throuh scary swamps

The Haunted Swamp!
14. Curtis will Suplex you if you don’t!

15. Wretched Wraithlings warble-womping without worry

16. Casually cruise currents

Ridin’ wind currents!
17. Mind-mashing mine mazes

Mine carts!
18. Talon treasures the tiers

19. We’re almost at the top, don’t turn your back now!

Don’t turn your back now!

Finally, we’d like to point you towards an excellent game on Kickstarter which is in its final week as well. Children of Zodiarcs is a beautiful looking tactical JRPG which is a bit of a throwback to PS1 strategy games of yore. It has major Final Fantasy Tactics flavor, is highly polished, and offers a lot of promise for anyone craving fresh content akin to the strategy games of that era.

As a reminder, if you have yet to back Shadows of Adam or have been meaning to increase your pledge and just haven’t gotten to it yet, please check out our page for the latest rewards and their availability.

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