Weekly Content Blog #35: Visual Preview of The Tangle
Greetings! It’s time again for another character teaser card, this time for the fourth and final playable character: Talon. Talon is a bit of a know-it-all, but beneath his confident exterior is a character filled with jealousy. He acts as a Gambler in battle, which combines skillsets found in thief and ninja character classes in traditional RPGs.
Wow, hard to believe we’re already at Week 33! Initially, this Development Blog was to record all of the week-to-week changes as production continued, and note any new additions (Or subtractions) of the core content and features of the game as time went on. Instead, this development log evolved to be more than that. We delved into musical influences of past composers who influenced the sound of Shadows of Adam, we have a three-part series about budgeting the art costs…
16-bit characters are a lot of fun to write for and direct. They always get their lines correct, never go off on self-indulgent tangents, and will repeat a scene however many times it takes to get it correct. They are the perfect actors for the micro-managing control freak in all of us… except for a few minor drawbacks like having zero to only a few facial expressions to convey emotion, a limited number of gestures, and spoken lines read as…
Hi everyone! This is Tyler from Something Classic HQ, located in a bunker somewhere in the mountains of South America. This month has been exciting as we are finalizing our design choices on our new Battle UI. As the game’s composer, I have also seen myself evolve into a sort of “all purpose” guy for the team. I do minor map making, scene design, and lots of micro edits. This has led me to do some battle system testing and…