Weekly Content Blog #47: Alpha Demo Preview!
Hey there SC Fans! Tyler here with a new update. First off, a cool youtube interview was conducted with yours truly and Shayne the Independent Optimist. We talk about Shadows of Adam, Indie gaming and running a successful kickstarter. Speaking of Kickstarter, for our lovely 700+ backers we will be getting you a new alpha demo build in the next few weeks. So to build anticipation, let’s do a screenshot preview!
Also, we’ve been streaming more regularly! Showing play throughs, bug testing and other goodies! Please make sure to keep up with our social media accounts so you know when we are streaming:
E-mail: info@somethingclassic.net
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SomethingClassc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SomethingClassicGames/
Forums: https://forums.shadowsofadam.com/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/somethingclassic